Sometimes you discover products that you love so much you want to shout about

Body Me

Organic Nutrition

It’s no secret that I’m very very fussy about what goes in to my body. I believe that food is our medicine and demand organic, Nutrient dense, clean food as close to unprocessed as possible. It is so difficult to find organic nutrition packed with nothing but pure good. These gluten & dairy free protein bars, bites and powder tick the box. Oh and I forgot to say they are vegan too. The protein bars are handy to throw in a rucksack or pocket, the bites are little bite-size chunks of goodness and the protein shakes are awesome - but don’t expect sugary, artificially flavoured junk.

Wild Sole Sandals

Barefoot Adventure Sandals


Barefoot shoes I believe have saved not only my feet but have also enhanced my posture. I’ve lived and worked hiked and ran in barefoot shoes now for over 10 years and thought I’d found my freedom until I slipped on a pair of Wild Sole sandals. Straight out of the box I ran & hiked trails, swam in rivers and even practiced yoga in them. They are hand made in Yorkshire and their simple design offers lightweight barefoot freedom and a real connection with our true home, nature.


Oura Ring

Health tracking wrapped around your finger

I originally won an oura ring from Dave Asprey/ Oura following an article I wrote on sleep. Sleep is so important and I was so impressed with version 2 of the Oura ring not only because of its precise sleep tracking but also its ability to accurately track HRV and other fitness metrics I now encourage all of my Lifestyle Coaching clients to wear one. I’ve since upgrades to Oura v3 and I’m super impressed. For example during its numerous adaptable meditations I can visibly see a step change in HRV mid meditation as my body moves in to a deeper state. Awesome technology on your finger.